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Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 4

Most of the people I sent my survey to answered. I am surprised by the percentages I got for each questions. I focused a lot on if health care should be government regulated or not (so basically who is in charge of it). Majority of my surveyers say that the government should not have a role in providing health care. They also think that employers should be the ones giving health care to their employees.

The responses to me where surprising in the sense that many people were against the new health care system Obama is putting in place. Many people think that it was well thought out, but do not think that the way it will be executed will be the best for the American people. Health care was a very interesting and some what controversial topic, but it really is based on ones opinion on how they would like to be treated in the system. It seems like a good idea to help those who cannot afford healthcare, but in reality, it may not be the best plan because we are all human beings and truly believe that your health comes before the general populations health.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week 3

I made my survey on Wednesday and sent it out Thursday. I havent heard back from any of my participants yet, but Im hoping they will all respond by early next week. I really hope that the result I receive are mixed.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week 2

I am planning to survey some family members and family friends (their ages range from 21-60ish, and a mix of males and females) on what type of healthcare is best suited for the US, how they feel about the current healthcare system, how much they know about healthcare, if they are affected in anyway by the current healthcare system, their reaction on Obamacare and other healthcare legislation. I will administer my survey through GoogleDocs. My prediction is that those who are Democratic are going to naturally agree with the legislation passed underneath Obama, such as Obamacare and they might not like the current healthcare system. The Republicans are going to disagree with Obamacare and the legislation. Since many of my surveyees are a little older, the younger ones may not know much about healthcare while the older ones know more and might be becoming affected by it. I do also have some family members that work in hospitals so it will be interesting how they react to this survey.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Semester 2

For the second semester, I am choosing to do a survey on what types of healthcare people prefer most. I plan on making a Google Doc and sending it to 20 people that I know (probably ages 17-60). I feel like this will be the most efficient  way to see what people really think and believe about our current healthcare system, and healthcare systems around the world. It will be interesting to see what the majority of my survey-ees think. Hopefully they respond lol

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cuts to Affect Army's Health Care

The layoff of Army civilians, who primarily make up the health care system, will have a serious affect on the behavioral health care portion. The Army's health care is specialized in providing warrior care, primary care, behavioral health, and others. It is a hope among the civilians that the Army will be able to exempt the majority from the furloughs. Another option that is bringing hope is that soldier-providers will be able to step up to the plate and help in the jobs of those being cut.

One health care system that seemed to be untouchable is now being reformed because of budget cuts and other factors. The military needs to have all of it's top medical providers present, but if many of those doctors and nurses are civilians, then they have the risk of losing their job. I feel that this will ultimately hurt everyone involved in the system and that this should tried to be fixed because the Army needs all the people it can get.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Doctors and Medicare Cost

One of the great debates of the health care system is how to lower the cost so that it doesnt eat up the budget? One way is by changing the fee-for-service payment of doctors. Doctors are paid based on the number of services they provide. In our current system, some doctors urge patients to get imaging and surgery so that they get paid. Radiologists and surgeons are among the highest ranking doctors since their jobs have a higher risk. But the doctors that we usually visit, such as our pediatrician, arent paid as much yet spend more time engaged with the patient. 

I feel that this gap in pay between specialists and primary care givers is some what unreasonable. I do agree that if doctors such as radiologists and neurologists should get paid more because of the risk factor, but it also seems like just plain doctors are being forgotten. The inequalities are very high and is affecting our health system. Money is a driving force now in our hospitals since the more you perform, the more you get paid.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Denied Medical Care?

This story really makes me sad.

A couple who lives in the Arab neighborhood of Jerusalem was denied a doctor because of the area she lived in. The wife called an emergency service company for a doctor to come on a house-call and examine her feverish husband. She was afraid that he had the swine flu, but was too weak to even stand on his feet so they could go to a doctor/hospital.The representative who she spoke said that the doctor would not go to her house because she lives in the Arab part of town. She assured him that it was safe and she even said she could meet the doctor and bring him back, but she was still denied.

Even though this did not happen in a place close to home, it still makes me angry that people are being denied a right to their own health because of where they live or what ethnicity or religion they are. I am not familiar with the health care system in Jerusalem but if this had occurred in the US it would have been a huge deal. I can't imagine being denied. You just wonder what the outcome could be: did the husband live and get through his fever or did he take a turn for the worse...